Friday, October 5, 2007

House Warming Widener, Ding, and Polera ra ra ra ra!!!!

Last night Esteban and I were invited to the home of Jonathon Widner, Luc Ding, and Justin Polera. A lovely housewarming party consisting of delicious Hors' Doeuvres, prepared by Luc himself had occurred that night. Many of our closest friends attended the delightful "get together" at their beautiful home.

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The chicago weather has been fluctuating like crazy, that explains the need for all of us to squeeze together on the deck outside for some fresh air. Happy Esteban sits in front of Robbie MacNeil, Michael Murphy, Dan Berger, Justin Polera, Paul and Myself.

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Luc Ding has finally relaxed after preparing such delicious food! He and Eric pose for a quick photo!

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Jonathon poses for a photo embraced by a close and long-time friend.

Thank you Jon, Luc, and Justin!