Christmas Eve: The grandchildren smile during dinner (left), My Grandma and Papa smile for the camera (right)
Last night I went to a Christmas Party. We played tons of games; from grab bag trading to testing our knowledge of holiday music. Hawaiian hymns filled the party room as well as our favorite song, "Maka dang dang soyot billy goat bang gala gala boot boot..." the night was exciting and everyone seemed to have a great time. A basketball game was played, leaving everybody sweaty and commanding an immediate bath!
Sweaty basketball players at night.
Today was Christmas day, My brother was at the edge of his seat just waiting to open everything. My brother, Omar, delivered a multitude of movies for everyone. It seems as if the most popular gift of the year was the Nintendo DS gaming system which allows everyone to battle one and other, just as long as you have the handheld machine. Later that night 8 people proved the versatility of the DS by competing in an eight car race on Mario Kart.
Later in the evening the four of us headed out to my grandparent's house for dinner, we enjoyed leftovers from the night before and Hawaiian music filled the house. I have been playing Pictionary all night and I've really been having a great time. It's so nice to finally get a break from the cold weather and a busy semester, lounging around has been nothing short of wonderful!
Pictionary laughter...