Last night here in Hawaii we were one of the last places in the world to chime in 2008! My family gets together every year to burn fireworks and ring in the New Year. In Hawaii we are really lucky because the use of fireworks have always been legalized, therefore my New Year celebration back home has always been loud, smoky, and filled with pyromaniacs! hahaha
Getting ready to light a long line in the driveway.
We had a grand potluck with lots of Hawaiian and Japanese food. We hung out and played a bunch of games while sporadically running outside to burn fire crackers in our driveway. At midnight, the entire neighborhood went crazy lighting aerials and chinese firecrackers. Each year we string together tons and tons of red chinese firecrackers while my grandfather, or one of the brave individuals in our family hold a long pole that the lit firecrackers are tied to. It was loud and exciting!
Midnight Lighting!
We all stayed up late and enjoyed my last day at home. It is sad that I must depart from here since I have had such a great time. I am taking a winter class that begins tomorrow and o' so cold Chicago awaits my presence! I hear that it is 4 degrees there...I think I am going to go outside and try to hold as much sun in my pores while I still can!
Saying Goodbye...
Happy 2008 everyone!