Tony Jones introduces our guests for the morning.
Following an introduction by artist, Michelle Grabner, our commencement speaker, art critic, Jerry Salz, gave an entertaining and interesting speech in regards to our future as artist's as well as the difference between cats and dogs. The list of degree recipients included 800+ students, it was a very lengthy list of names and individuals who WITH CHEER :), crossed the stage. Other notable figures present today were Jeff Koons, Herb Kane, Carol Becker, and Jerry Salz of whom all received honorary doctorates for their fine contributions and accomplishments in the realm of Art.
It was a warm and sunny morning. The audience was filled with proud family members and friends of all the graduates. Both my mom and my youngest brother flew in from Hawaii to the ceremony bearing the most gorgeous ti leaf leis, as it is a tradition in Hawaiian culture upon any congratulatory occasion to present these to one another. I am so happy to have my family here.
After the ceremony I met with one of the honorary doctorate recipients, Herb Kane. Mr. Kane is originally from Hilo, Hawaii and he has been a role model for me throughout my life. He is a very important man to Hawaiians throughout the world. It was a special day for Mr. Kane as he celebrated his birthday as well I greeted him with a ti leaf lei and was reminded of the paintings of his that lined the library of my elementary and high schools throughout my life back home. It was an honor to have met him today.
Mr. Kane and Myself after the graduation ceremony dressed in ti leaf leis.
Mrs. Schimpf, Myself, Esteban, My mom, and my brother, Amir, pose for a photo after the ceremony.
Thank you to my family for their love and support, and thank you to my instructors for all that I have learned from you. To all my friends...thank you for making everything possible!