For those of you who often read my blog, by now you may be familiar with two very good friends of mine by the names of Alexander Ferrando and Clayton Flynn. Both young men just received their undergraduate degrees here at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and will be leaving the city of Chicago to pursue their graduate degrees in Fine Art in the city of Vienna. Alex has been accepted into the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna while Clay is in the process of applying to another Viennese school. With great news comes sad news because these friends of mine will be leaving Chicago in the end of July.
Last night we had a going away party for them, which eventually turned into a mega dance party extravaganza in a space located in Wicker Park. For those of you who know these two fine artists send them good wishes and say
"Auf Wiedersehen" as they begin their new life abroad in Austria. Bye Friends!
Armin, Esteban, Alex, Brendan, Natasha, Ghazal, Matt and Matthew are all enjoying their time at the goodbye party.Choos**