Sunday, September 23, 2007

Matt and Matt Garage Sale After Party!!! woohoo....

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Matthew Hilshorst and Matthew Brennan hosts of the G-sale.

My two dear friends, Matt and Matt, had a garage sale yesterday. They were selling everything from China to Blazers to Sunglass gazers! Because I was in the studio all day I missed out on their big sale, but with Matt and Matt the fun doesn't end when the sun goes down...In fact, the garage sale had only just begun. The second Esteban and I arrived at the Home of the Matt's we were greeted with a box of amazing sunglasses, which the Matt and Matt duo had purchased for us while at their summer home on a lake in Michigan. We were also greeted by an infinite rack of sports coats. There were so many things we wanted to buy and the buying was what made it, oh so fun. The price of any item was determined by a heads or tails game in which heads=50 cents and tails=$50.

We all left with our pockets empty and our stomachs full on hotdogs, Dr. Praeggers veggie burgers, and bananas. At one point we had a contest to see who could put on the most clothing at once and everyone forfeited as Amy Mayfield proved to be no competition at all.

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Glintentica and Molly wearing their newly acquired coats.

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Loren, Esteban, Amy, Glintentica, and Matt H. beginning the layering game and dancing to Chopin. ;)

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Brian and Jenny help Amy into her 45th layer.