Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Matt!

Last night we celebrated my friend Matt's 30th Birthday. We went to a local pool hall to celebrate and have a dance party. I had an amazing time and brought him a snake charmer's head as a birthday gift. The weather has been warming up compared to what we have been used to this past season, which is excellent news so I decided to go out for a change.

I hope all of you in Chicago are enjoying the warm weather; for those of you outside of the city, I hope the sun is gracing you with it's presence as well!

Cheers to the coming of Spring and a Happy Easter too!

Happy Birthday Matt.

A photo of Matt Brennan at his birthday party.

Matt Brennan, Alexander Ferrando, and Matthew Hilshorst on the dance floor.

Alexander and I are holding the snake charmer sculpture that I presented Matt with for his birthday.